Saturday, November 3, 2012

Aprons & Hammers - Seafood

Aprons & Hammers -  Dubai International Marine Club, Mina Seyahi Beach Resort 
Since I have seafood almost daily at home, I rarely crave any when I'm dinning out, but then I've always wanted to pay Aprons & Hammers a visit not only for the food but for the fun experience, took me long to do so though.I kept myself updated with reviews for few months, most of them mentioned how fresh the seafood is. So, I walked in expecting much, for a country that is well known for it's seafood your expecting nothing but the freshest. Unfortunately, nothing was fresh! and i mean NOTHING! 

Entrance of the Marine Club

Beautiful view on our way to the Dhow

Here we are - Aprons & Hammers Dhow

Wanted to steal this signage *hehe*

Our lovely table

Fresh Complimentary Bread - was the ONLY fresh thing on the table!

Crab Eating Gadget

My non-alcoholic Beer - goes well with seafood

Putting on our Aprons and Hammers waiting for the Crabs

Classic Crispy Calamari - OK, that wasn't bad but tasted nothing like fresh ones!

Sweet Chili Crab Cakes - Me no likey!

The GOV's Fish & Chips - Honestly, this made my day! it's not even close to being fresh but was lightly battered and perfectly fried, if I'm ever back to Aprons&Hammers "i doubt it though" will definitely have fish and chips ONLY!
Crab Bucket (Over cooked mushy meet - had one piece only) Shrimps Bucket (weirdly was bitter)

Loving the concept NOT the food

Oj Says: Food is terrible, unless you wanna have fish and chips?! maybe?! and nothing so special about the experience, if you guys craving fresh seafood pay SAMMACH a visit! what to eat at SAMMACH? ask me!
Food Rating: 3/10
Overall Experience: TOTALLY Disappointed